About Us

About Law Addicts

LAW ADDICTS is a fiercely expanding rostrum that aspires to disseminate legal awareness among masses who have an infinite passion towards law, springing from varied educational fields.

It is backed by the motto, ‘Addiction yielding knowledge’ and frequently conducts online webinars, competitions and other events at feasible rates to satisfy its motto.
This budding organization stands apart from the rest of the community in terms of its long-term agenda which is to offer scholarships to law aspirants transcending from the underprivileged strata, who find it burdensome to engage in fruitful competitions/events because of its daunting entry fee. With this agenda, LAW ADDICTS aspires to create an
environment where learning is not a privilege to be bestowed by the economically better-off peers, but a legal right for every skillful law aspirant.

What We Do?

We seek to provide legal knowledge as well as opportunities to whose who need it by employing a creative methods for raising proceeds.

All proceeds will be devoted towards providing scholarships to students who have the potential and the desire to participate in national and international legal competitions!


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